Depression Treatment

Psychologically depression is a skill of integrating personal experience as well as future predictions in the negative and unpleasant modality. In other words, depressed people tend to consider “Everything is bad”. On the contrary, optimists look at the world willingly: “Everything is great!”

Fortunately, pessimism is just nothing but a learned habit. It can be healed both medically and psychologically, in body-mind unity. This is what Dr. Fedorova clinic does successfully for many years. Patients are surrounded by sincere attention, they have excellent food and out-of-doors walks in a lovely natural surroundings, plenty of fresh air, healthy healing climate very friendly people.

A team of extra-class experts, doctors, therapists and psychologists give their full attention and professionalism to patients’ recovery.

Extensive scientific research, participation in international forums and congresses, rich medical and therapeutic experience allowed clinic’s personnel to develop an effective complex approach in depression treatment. It includes:

  1. Clinical testing
  2. Medical treatment (Dr. Fedorova knowhow)
  3. Psychological rehabilitation 
  4. Computer methods eliminating sources of depression
  5. Art therapy
  6. ​Physiotherapy: 
  • ​Laser therapy
  • Ozone therapy
  • Magneto-laser therapy 
  • Chocolate baths, etc. 
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​Psychological consulting

Wellness coaching

​Esthetic medicine

PTSD, fears and phobias

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